A Big Loop…

Towards the end of October Hubby and I went on an adventure.  We set off with our little dog, a tent, an air mattress, and some supplies.  We went north a bit and then straight across Interstate 40.  Each night we stopped, set up our tent (not without a lot of grumbling from yours truly),Continue reading “A Big Loop…”

Words used without knowing meaning…

I haven’t written much this week.  I have read blogs, commented on blogs, but really haven’t wanted to write. I have been in a funk. Since I have been this way most of the week, I figured I would write about it… so, for inspiration I looked up what it meant to be in aContinue reading “Words used without knowing meaning…”


I am tired today.  I was up each hour last night.  Not on purpose, either. I am grateful for my car.  It provides me with transportation, it works well and it does what it is supposed to do.  However, and this is a big however, it has a very sensitive alarm on it. I don’tContinue reading “Alarms…”

Checking in

It has been a while since I posted anything.  Honestly, my brain is fried.  We are still in the throes of moving.  We still do not know where. Yes, this has caused great concern on my part, but dear hubby, bless his heart, is confident.  He knows the perfect place will come at the perfectContinue reading “Checking in”

My younger sister

I am a middle child.  I love that fact.  Middle children are the most quirky of kids, in my humble opinion.  We have been known as the peace makers, we try to please everyone.  We don’t have the responsiblity that falls to the oldest and yet we are never in possession of the ‘cuteness’ factorContinue reading “My younger sister”

gag me now….

Did you ever have one of those days? You know those type where just saying you woke up on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t really describe it? That has been my day today. I shouldn’t have just gone back to bed this morning, I should have been locked up, bound, gagged and knockedContinue reading “gag me now….”

There’s a pair just like that

(I know I have already posted today, but, this is what I had originally decided to write on today.  When I saw the daily prompt, I had to follow through on that one.  I mean, who hasn’t thought of writing their own eulogy?) When I was a sophomore in high school, I took plain geometry. Continue reading “There’s a pair just like that”

Slow Dance into Fall

In mid August I wrote a post about autumn approaching.  How there was a nuance of its impending arrival… well, here we are in late September and the temperature is still in the mid 70’s creeping up into the low 80’s.  Autumn, when are you going to fall? As I was walking my dear littleContinue reading “Slow Dance into Fall”

Life Changing Adventure

This week my dear hubby and I will embark on our life changing adventure.  We will be travelling a bit and staying still a bit and sight-seeing a bit.  In between those bits we will go to a wedding and our lives will be changed in acquiring a new niece that day.  I already consider her myContinue reading “Life Changing Adventure”

The Bane Of My Existence

There are few things that really get to me.  Most times I am easy-going and can handle most things thrown at me.  At least, that is how I perceive myself, I may be way off in left field, but, don’t tell me otherwise.  I like living in the land of delusion.  The voices in my head andContinue reading “The Bane Of My Existence”