Fear and the Written Word…

Yesterday I commented on a blog that if the writer had found my writing mojo, please send it back to me.  I said it half in jest, half in truth.   Some may say I have had writer’s block, but, I think in truth I have just not written much out of fear. The beginning ofContinue reading “Fear and the Written Word…”

A Reminder…

After my last post, I truly thought about closing my blog.  I did some soul searching and left several groups that I was a part of, but didn’t participate in.   I looked at my friends list and did a serious look at them.   I basically did a mid year mind search and seriously looked atContinue reading “A Reminder…”

Little Man…

It has been quite a while since I have written and even longer since I last wrote about Little Man.  Little Man is now seven.  Seems impossible, but he turned seven on Friday this past week. Hubby and I traveled to see him and were able to spend time with him.  It was glorious!  IContinue reading “Little Man…”

Middle of the Night Reminders…

Several years ago while living in San Diego, I had one of those horrible, no good, awful days.  You know the kind, where you carry your soap box around with you because everything sets you off and you want to voice your opinion on them.   I cannot remember what all set me off, some IContinue reading “Middle of the Night Reminders…”

Six years out…

Six years ago on the 28th of July, I wrote this blog post: This will be short. I am busy watching my baby’s baby. He is absolutely gorgeous, all 8 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. He coos, he squeals, he cries, and he is the proud owner of my heart. It no longerContinue reading “Six years out…”

My Brother…

1 Corinthians 10:24 New Living Translation (NLT) 24 Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others. I never had a brother.  I always wanted one.  Growing up with my sisters was wonderful and I cherish them, but, I saw my cousins who were, or had brothers and I envied them. Continue reading “My Brother…”

Implementing an Idea…

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to write.  I have always loved the idea of putting thoughts together to somehow have an impact on another’s life.  I don’t know if I have ever succeeded in doing so, but, as you know, it has not stopped me. As we were leavingContinue reading “Implementing an Idea…”

Grace and Mercy VS Control

One of the definitions of control is to have power over.  I once heard control described as a reasonable response to unreasonable pain.  I have lived with control before.  It is a hard life to live with, it brings out the very worst in me.  I react strongly when faced with control issues. We eachContinue reading “Grace and Mercy VS Control”


Each year hubby and I watch Christmas movies.  This is something we love to do together.  Tonight we watched The Polar Express, and once more, I cried through it. I was first introduced to this story when our youngest was in the fifth grade.  Her teacher had read the story to the class and sheContinue reading “Believe….”