
Each year I end up writing something about my Mom.  Today is the anniversary of her death.  She was in her early forties when she lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. I was eleven at the time, but, I still carry vivid memories of her.  I remember conversations and how she smelled and lots ofContinue reading “Mom…”

September Thoughts…

There are certain times of the year that provoke a sense of reflection in me.  I write about these times often, for I believe that writing them down etches them in my mind more clearly. The days leading up to the 11th of September is one of these seasons.  Tomorrow is Grandparents day, a holidayContinue reading “September Thoughts…”

Reminders and Echoes…

This past week we celebrated Little Man’s fourth birthday here.  The pool was ready, the weather was wonderful and it was a great celebration. Little Miss arrived before Little Man and the time with these two wonderful, lively human beings went much too fast. Little Miss left just a few hours ago. The house isContinue reading “Reminders and Echoes…”

Baseball movies and me…

I just finished crying my way through “Field of Dreams”  once again.  I love baseball movies, although, I do not own many of them.  They are my favorite things to watch.  They make me smile and cry and cheer. Once more I cried for the last ten minutes of the film.  I knew I would. Continue reading “Baseball movies and me…”

Life Goes On…

This week saw news of celebrity deaths almost daily.  From my childhood the actor who played Grizzly Adams passed away.  Thought of Saturday evenings in my pajamas, freshly bathed and ready for church flashed through my mind. David Bowie, my teen years, admiring his artistry, but, not really a fan.  But, his passing was sad. Continue reading “Life Goes On…”

the Mish Mash of a Mother’s Thought Process…

I have read a couple of Mother’s Day posts.  I love reading them.  They also bring to my mind my mixed feelings on this day.  I had wanted to write a post and wax poetic about how my memory of my Mom is so dear to me.  I was then going to go on andContinue reading “the Mish Mash of a Mother’s Thought Process…”

Long Distance (S)Mothering….

The mother of Little Miss, my oldest daughter, is 2450.92 miles from me.  We are on the opposite sides of this country. This presents its challenges.   The love of her life is away now, serving this great country of ours.  It is his job, his privilege, and his duty.  I understand this, as I amContinue reading “Long Distance (S)Mothering….”


When I had my first child, we didn’t have much to spend in the way of nursery items.  We bought a crib on the base and someone gave us an old changing table that only lasted until we moved back to the states where some friends bought us a new one. The nursery  was partContinue reading “Wishes…”

A Big Loop…

Towards the end of October Hubby and I went on an adventure.  We set off with our little dog, a tent, an air mattress, and some supplies.  We went north a bit and then straight across Interstate 40.  Each night we stopped, set up our tent (not without a lot of grumbling from yours truly),Continue reading “A Big Loop…”

Over three decades ago….

31 years ago today, I woke up and decided to have a cook-out.  We had friends coming over to help organize my new house and to help me out. I got up, fixed some macaroni salad, put some beans in to bake and got hot dogs and hamburgers ready for the grill. I made cherryContinue reading “Over three decades ago….”