Looking back…

I have spent this week looking back. Reminiscing, remembering, counting my blessings. Friday is my oldest daughter’s birthday. A day that changed my life forever. Nothing was the same as it was, and that is just one of the blessings I have considered this week. I was told early in our marriage that the possibilityContinue reading “Looking back…”

At the stroke of twelve midnight….

Tonight at the stroke of twelve, my son-in-law will have a Cinderella type experience, as Cinderella became the servant girl again, tonight, my son-in-law will become a civilian once more. This event will go mostly unnoticed, except by his family and close friends. His work place will continue on their mission just as they didContinue reading “At the stroke of twelve midnight….”

Come and See, The Chosen. A Review…

I have never written a review. I don’t consider my opinion to be one that others would think would accurately describe something, so I have avoided such things. A couple of weeks ago, a Christian blogging page I follow asked a question if God had ever asked you to do something out of your comfortContinue reading “Come and See, The Chosen. A Review…”

The One About Waiting….

I am a good wait-er, not to be confused with being a waiter (that would be disastrous). I have written about waiting several times in this blog and I find it is a subject that I come back to often. We all wait, we all know what it’s like. As a child, we would waitContinue reading “The One About Waiting….”

Wedding Cake Topper…

Growing up, my Mother’s bottom drawer of her dresser held a treasure trove of mementos for my sisters and I to explore.   Inside that drawer were photos, her wedding shoes (satin shoes), and her wedding cake topper.   She had these sugar bells that had once graced her wedding cake.   I loved those.  So, when IContinue reading “Wedding Cake Topper…”

Fear and the Written Word…

Yesterday I commented on a blog that if the writer had found my writing mojo, please send it back to me.  I said it half in jest, half in truth.   Some may say I have had writer’s block, but, I think in truth I have just not written much out of fear. The beginning ofContinue reading “Fear and the Written Word…”

A Reminder…

After my last post, I truly thought about closing my blog.  I did some soul searching and left several groups that I was a part of, but didn’t participate in.   I looked at my friends list and did a serious look at them.   I basically did a mid year mind search and seriously looked atContinue reading “A Reminder…”

What happened to a sense of humor?

Sometimes I have a need to vent.  I know we all do.   Today is one of those days.   I am going to write things just to get it out.  I don’t feel like a heavy discussion, I don’t feel like wading through personal beliefs, I just want to vent and since this is my blog,Continue reading “What happened to a sense of humor?”