Good bye 2014….

A year ago today, hubby and I sat and talked about the past year and the upcoming year.  We had a strong feeling about 2014.  We knew it would be a year of events.  A year of change.  A year that was different.  We anticipated it, we felt it coming.  Little did we realize theContinue reading “Good bye 2014….”


Each year I hear Karen Carpenter’s song, “Merry Christmas, Darling”.  I love that song.  It makes me cry.  Of course, many Christmas songs bring tears to my eyes, I’m just like that. This song, though, returns me to 1983.  No matter what year it is, I am immediately taken back to the Christmas of 1983. Continue reading “Lyrics…”

The Peach Ornament…

The first house I remember living in as a child was beside a home where two brothers lived.  It was their family home and the two of them lived there all their lives.  My sisters and I would visit next door when one of the men would sit on his front porch.  I can rememberContinue reading “The Peach Ornament…”

When there is no tree….

Thirty five years ago, hubby and I were living in Japan.  We were waiting the arrival of our first child.  We were excited beyond words during that  time. We were living in government quarters on an abandoned WWII Japanese airstrip.  The housing area was situated along two very long, wide roads which once were theContinue reading “When there is no tree….”

The Angel….

When Hubby and I were first married, we were young and poor.  We had enough to do things, to eat, pay bills, but there was not much extra leftover.  We were married almost a year when our first Christmas came around. Hubby was stationed at a command that had access to some land and theContinue reading “The Angel….”

Not a Creature was stirring…

It is the quiet of the evening after a day of Thanksgiving.  The house is silent except for the ticking of the clock in the dining room and the rumble of the train on the tracks a mile or so from the house. I sit here wanting to get up and start to put awayContinue reading “Not a Creature was stirring…”