
Sunday is Easter Sunday. For some, a time of Easter baskets filled with chocolate, jelly beans, marshmallow bunnies and other goodies. For others a time for a new spring dress, hats, accessories. Still others go to church for their yearly obligation to be fulfilled. I was raised as a Catholic. Easter week was spent mostlyContinue reading “Easter…”

Self Revelation…

During this time of quarantine when we have all the time we thought we never had, how much are we actually accomplishing? I know I am one who says, if we weren’t so busy I would….  and then fill in the blanks.  Some of those blanks are, I would really get a good start onContinue reading “Self Revelation…”

Stages of Quarantine…

We have all seen the memes out there, Day 1 of quarantine, and so on and so forth.   I laugh at them, mainly because they seem to distill into a small picture exactly what I am feeling.   Like most people, when I am told not to do something, it is that exact thing that IContinue reading “Stages of Quarantine…”

Voices everywhere…

Voices are everywhere, but not a decent conversation.  Especially in my head. No, I’m not that crazy over the quarantine, I actually am like this all the time. I wake up, make a mental list of my day, telling myself what I would like to get accomplished and then telling myself what I most likelyContinue reading “Voices everywhere…”

It’s the Little Things..Literally….

Another day in the days of quarantine… This afternoon hubby went out to transplant some blueberry plants.   They have been in large planters on our deck for the past couple of years and this year they were strong enough to be put into the ground.   He went out today to transplant two more bushes. AsContinue reading “It’s the Little Things..Literally….”


I just texted a dear friend and after exchanging our days today, she told me to go write something.  I replied that everything seemed negative in my head, but I was trying to get something written. Suddenly I thought of what we are all going through, quarantine.   How many words describe quarantine? I turned toContinue reading “Ennui…”